Feb 14, 2005 16:43
so this weekend. modeling thing tite as hell the chick loved me and said she wanted to play with my face all day and compliments and whatever. they put a fan on me when they were taking pictures! i was very happy that was TITE! haha yay!
that night we tried to explode a park and it didn't work. we had a 20 person enterouge at shooters but then some people left so we went and had a gunfight speedin down 13. pretty cool.
Yeah so i was in my room ya kno...and my phone was still on silent from skewl and when i got back to it it was like 12 missed calls and i was like wtf?! i figured mique called but it was nate.
i called him back and said wussup and when i hung up i noticed i had like a bajillion new voicemails. i listened to them.
example: STephanie...wuts up...it's nate give me a call...
that escalated too...
ex:Stephanie, it's nate, BE MY VALENTINE!! i want you oh my god!!! i know your the one i know it PLEASE CALL ME!!!
umm yeah so i'm a lil scared off right now...i saved like nine of them and deleted the other half cuz i didn't think to save the first ones when i was listenin, but omg was that crazy insane. i didn't hear the voicemails and whne i called him back he was all akward and asked if i wanted to go to his band practice but i didn't cuz i'm hangin out with mique soon...
yea well i'm gonna go call vicky bye.