Bla Bla Bla

Jan 09, 2005 00:42

~We went to lifetime. It was really fun. Colleen never asked Sam out again like she wanted too. I wish she woulda and then they would be so happy togeeeeethhhherrrr!!!! like the song. I left my xbox controllers over there and yeah. We all went swimming. There were creepy guys.

~I wanted my cell phone so bad and i was always upset when people didn't answer their phone, but now I miss phone calls all the time. Nat called me 3 times, my cell phone was like 2 feet away in my open purse and i still couldn't hear it. Thats totally pathetic, does it make me a bad person? And i told her to call me so it just makes me feel bad cuz she's over there thinking WHY ISN'T SHE ANSWERING!!! and getting all worried that she won't have anything to do tonite and stuff. That happens to me sometiems so i know how much it sucked. I'm really good at getting back to people tho.

~Tonight I really got to thinking about how quick time goes by. A year ago Vicky had just gotten back together with jordan, or was just about to lose him for 3 weeks i don't kno, but they were together. We all were over at Vicky's and we ate 2 pizzas from Davannis. It was so fun then. It was the night me and Anna started talking again, I was so happy about that. We started planning road trips even tho she wouldn't talk to me for 2 months. We got in this huge fight it was horrible. I snowboarded everyday, a lot of times alone just to get my mind off it. Then I started to realize it's hard to get things off your mind while you are snowboarding alone cuz all u really do is think. But tonight a year ago. I had this crush on a guy and talked about it and the pizza to Vicky, now i don't ever think about him. It's just so weird to see how much things change.

I used to hang out with sam greg david with vicky and all them over at the MOA. Now I do a lot of different stuff. Things are really different now, but in a way they're similar. It just scares me how much. It scares me to think that everything that happened last year, freshman year will be what happened 2 years ago next winter.

I'm really scared about it, I hate the way things are moving forward. I hate the way I hate it. I wish I had something to look forward to. I have a lot of stuff to look forward to, I just can't see anything better than how stuff was before. I mean I now have a lot of the stuff I wanted a year ago. I got my braces off I got new clothes I fell in love I got a life I can drive around, but it really isn't any better, so whats the point. If everything we drive towards doesn't even matter goddam what the fuck am i doing anything for.

~I think the 2 real things that actually drive people to do anything are boredom and fear. Those are the 2 things that actually motivate people. Pretty much all ambitions can be traced to curing boredom or surviving or feeling good, cuz people are soo afraid of being alone and feeling bad. Boredom and fear are probably the 2 worst thigns but they're always tehre.
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