Story: Casting Stones (R)

Feb 15, 2011 01:23

Title: Casting Stones
Rating: R
Chapter: 1. Prologue
Fandom: Degrassi: The Next Generation
Summary: “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8:7 AKJV. A new patient enters the rehab center where Clare volunteers, but her boyfriend thinks he wants a different kind of treatment. Eclare. Flare.
Comments: N/A.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the idea. Link:

Clare groaned inwardly, sitting down in the stiff cloth chair in the entrance of the rehabilitation center she had been volunteering at. She rubbed the back of aching neck, closing her eyes. It had been a long day; the busiest she had seen since she started volunteering at the White Cross Rehabilitation Center.

Sometimes she wondered why did not just help out with the old people at some retirement center or nursing home; then she would look across the room and see a person, pale as could be, their eyes tired and bloodshot, craving for an addiction they could no longer possess. Her heart would break and she knew that these people needed her support and the word of God far more than some old person who was happily getting all the help they needed.

But sometimes, working with a rehab patient could get to Clare. It was hard work and stressful, but she knew if she could help just one person reach their objective, their desire, to be sober, then she would be happy.

But then sometimes, she would feel ungrateful. But Clare did not realize how ungrateful she would feel until she heard her name called out at that moment.

“Edwards!” called out the exhausted, scratchy voice of her latest superior, Nurse Andrews, a woman in her mid-forties, who had aged towards her mid-fifties on account of her stressful job. She had long curly brown hair with gray streaked all over and brown eyes, which once seemed soulful, but were now only wise. She had been in charge of Clare for two weeks since Clare’s former higher, Nurse Kwes, retired.

Clare sighed inwardly, getting off her feet and started towards the reception desk. She did not bother to look up at the patient as he leaned against the desk nonchalantly, as if being in rehabilitation was an everyday thing for him.

“Yes?” Clare asked dryly, but smiled nonetheless.

“This is your new charge. Mark Phillips…” Nurse Andrews started.

“Fitzgerald,” the boy cut off, slightly snapping at the older woman.

Nurse Andrews narrowed her eyes at him, correcting herself with a twisted smiled, “Fitzgerald…”

Clare furrowed her brow, both the name and voice striking something inside her, and she felt her body start to shake. She slowly looked up at the new patient, her body drowning out all sounds coming from her superior. Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of Fitz standing beside her. She felt as though she would vomit.

“Got it?” Nurse Andrews’s voice suddenly chimed in her ears out of nowhere.

Clare gasped, blinking, with a nod, “Yeah.” She snatched the clipboard that laid on the desk in front of Fitz and quickly started down the hallway, assuming he would follow her.

“Clare.” His voice was taunting her and she could feel his breath on her as he laughed.

Clare spun around on her heel, staring up at him intensely. “I am tenant. That is all I will ever be. Got it?” she stated, fear lingering in her voice.

Fitz only smiled, reaching down and flinging one of her auburn curls with his index finger, “Your hair’s longer.”

Clare let out a deep breath she did not know she was holding and closed her eyes, shaking her head. “C’mon. The sooner you sign in, the sooner we can settle everything, and I get to go home,” she informed and chided herself for sounding so needy.

“To Eli?” Fitz questioned. He did not sound resentful, only curious.

Clare’s eyebrows knitted together, sighing in exhaustion, “Fitz…”

Fitz held his hands up in defense, “Excuse me for assuming.” He tilted his head to the side, drawing her eyes up to meet his like he had at Vegas Night, and smiled softly.

Clare could not help but smile at his actions, his charm. She shook her head, rolling her eyes, with a laugh, “C’mon, Fitz.”

She started back down the hallway, stopping at a door, and turned around only to find Fitz closer than she expected. She jumped slightly, her eyes going wide in surprise, and stumbled slightly.

Fitz’s arms quickly enveloped her as she leaped in the air, as if prepared to catch her. He chuckled, “Easy, Edwards.” He slowly removed his arms from her body and walked past her into the room.

Clare let out a sigh, blinking, and shook her head. She felt chills consume her body and groaned, watching Fitz sit down.

character: clare edwards, fanart: fanfiction, pairing: other, pairing: clare/eli, character: eli goldsworthy

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