Yes yes that’s fascinating

Apr 08, 2005 13:18

Soy sauce marches through my veins like radioactive rubber pants. Don’t ignore my veins. Today dad and I had lunch at the China Buffet in Round Rock. If anyone has ever taken me to places like this, they know that I use liberal amounts of soy sauce on everything from salmon to candied bananas. I was about to enjoy a piece of sushi when it started to taste like bad after the second chew, causing me to abort the mastication and swallow the thing whole. That was about the most interesting thing that happened today. I then filled myself with grapes, bean sprouts, vegetables in sauces, and sushi. Lots of sushi. Mmmmmmmmm....
With that insulin spike I careened through traffic, managing to navigate the construction- and detour-ridden catacombs of south Round Rock to the interstate. There I went the lightening speed of 40 all the way back to work. In the parking lot Tanveer stopped me to apologize again for not getting me in the division meeting yesterday.
so yesterday I’m all sitting in my office, wondering if I should go find something to do. I decided to do so, and leave the completely-vacant-minus-me-and-someone-else cube room to go look for team members. EVERYONE is gone. I’m wondering if the U.S. has finally been taken over and the insurgents are escorting the government workers to go get a sammich or something, when I decide to give up and go take a walk. When I got back, they were still gone. Like, the entire second floor staff is missing. So I wrote a letter to Chris and had an Altoid. But then around 3 I met Amy in the hall and she was all “you’re here today?” and then “oops...we had a division meeting...and cake. You want some cake?” not feeling like I could be bought so easily, I said yes. So the thought in the office now is that I might feel hostile for not being invited to the meeting, and so everyone is being extra nice to me today, namely by forgetting that I exist to allow me to work on homework.
Back to today. Well, wait, back to yesterday evening. So it was almost 6pm and I was seriously in want for something to do, and so I went office browsing for supplies. As anyone who has been in box world knows, cubes are just there, and when people move on they rarely clean out their drawers, leaving tons of hard-to-find supplies just asking to come live in your cube. Since everyone had relocated, my cube room was prime looting territory. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? I mean, these spaces have been here for about a decade now, and with the turnover/upward mobility of the employees, things can be in these cubes from four and five people ago. Case in point: last summer I found a binder in one of my drawers from an intern who worked here in 1997.
I traded my ergonomically correct chair of pain for Kaska’s former reclining rocking chair on wheels of comfortable goodness. I found a blue white board pen. Mostly though, the high backed chair with ample cushioning makes me happy.
So currently, because everyone has pretty much forgotten my existence, I am effectively getting paid to sit here in the comfort of my chair in my own little cube listening to happy hard core techno and write this to you. I think around two I’ll go take a walk next to the creek or something mellowish.
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