Pokemon Capturing

Jun 23, 2011 23:26

[It had been weeks since she arrived in Johto and she had done what any rational woman would have… trained her Pokemon relentlessly. If she was going to meet up with her daughter, she was going to have to be able to face the challenges in between. Training however, was not something unusual to her and she’d taken to it readily. She had little need to record nor promote her progress so she hadn’t made any prior videos to commemorate the affair. She‘d wanted to ask her daughter if she was alone here but the communication had abruptly ended. She knew what she needed to though. Elizabeth was here and she was alive, and looked well. Being a Middleford herself-- Elizabeth should be able to hold her own, still that did not hinder her concern.

The video feed shows her working with Adeline and trying to capture another Pokemon (A weedle). Power alone would not be enough with all the various types associated with these creatures]

Adeline! Use Ember.

We’ve got it… right where we want it. It shouldn’t be able to withstand our assault much longer.

!route 31

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