Title: A Paradox
Timestamp to:
Twists and Turns and
And No Two Directions Are Ever the SameAuthor:
tcs1121Pairing/Characters: JA/JP, a touch of Chad, a dash of Misha, the Padalecki family
Word Count: ~9800 (a long-winded timestamp)
Rating: Light R
Warnings: AU, Hurt!Jensen, Self-indulgent H/C and schmoop
Disclaimer: Story and characters are, and continue to be, untrue.
kkgee. I could not have done this without her. Her attention to detail, sharp mind, and gracious good nature made this a much better story. Thank you, my sweet.
All remaining mistakes are mine.
A/N 1: Jared's POV. You could probably enjoy this timestamp without first reading Twists and Turns and And No Two Directions Are Ever the Same, but reading them would help you to fully understand it.
A/N 2: The YouTube links take you just to music, no real video. So you're not missing anything if you place the curser over the link and ctrl + click to listen while reading.
A single .pdf of all three stories in this 'verse is
Here Summary:
Takes place approximately a year and a half after And No Two Directions Are Ever the Same, after Jared finished filming his documentary in the UK.
"I had a boyfriend once, and I really liked him. Kind of really loved him, actually."
A Paradox