The Job For Me - Pretend to be a Robot in Paris

May 11, 2007 20:11

I can't believe this is real. The second I graduate I'm going to go to this company. This reminds me a lot of Alice the AI, who I spoke with at the San Jose Robot Convention. It's the saddest feeling in the world when it hits you that she's not real..

Date: 2007-04-05, 3:15PM CEST

As An Angel SA, a start-up which develops Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA), seeks 5 English Native Speakers for an on line corpus collection through the methodology of the Wizard of Oz.
A WOz is a type of experimental dialogue scenario in which a human subject believes himself/herself to be communicating with a conversational agent, when in fact the responses are made by a hidden human being. The purpose of WOz experiment is to find out as much as possible about how humans would behave in a human-machine dialogue situation.

Examples of Conversational Agents produced:

Mission: Simulate a conversational agent and produce 50 dialogues (or more) with English Native Speakers. Approximately 40/50 hours of work.

Profile: minimum BA or BS (MA or MS preferred). Excellent communication skills. Computer with fast internet connection (ADSL) needed. Interest for photography a plus.

Dates: April 2007

Place of work : 1 day in our office for training, then at home.

Remuneration: 500 €.

Contact: Please send CV, photo and references
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