First of all, no, I haven't forgotten about the
comment!fic. I've got several more started. Just bear with me. In fact, this post is semi-relevant to that...
One week dedicated to all the (fictional) women their respective fandoms seem to hate! Basically, sign up for the character(s) of your choice and you commit to posting one thing per day about said character(s) for one week.
Obviously, I signed up for Abby Lockhart (ER) and Kate Austen (LOST) - is anyone surprised? - my two all-time favorite characters, two who have been absolutely vilified by fandom.
Shame on you, Abby and Kate haters. SHAME.
The whole thing starts on Friday. I'll probably break from tradition of this journal and post things other than fanfic - picspams, fanmixes, quote-o-ramas? - but some will be fanfic. (That's where two of the comment!fic prompts come in, actually.) If you want to join in, sign ups go
HERE and there's an official community for all submissions, too: