my lostsquee drabble challenge submissions

Feb 24, 2010 23:14

I wrote the following drabbles for the lostsquee Drabble Challenge 2010 (which was completely awesome - thanks to janie_tangerine for running it!). I missed my last prompt, which was 'nerve,' but I just ran out of time :/ All 108 words long. Standard disclaimers apply to all, of course.

Title: It's My Party
Prompt: when
Characters/Pairing: Kate
Rating: PG
Summary: It's her thirtieth birthday, or the day she's being born, depending on how you look at it.
Spoilers: What Kate Did (2.09), 1970s Dharma episodes

originally posted 2/13/10 here

It's her thirtieth birthday, or the day she's being born, depending on how you look at it. Kate skips out of her shift at the motor pool and takes a van and a case of Dharma beer out to the North Valley.

(Somewhere in Korea, her dad is on base. He'll get a telegram in a few hours, and his men will congratulate him for something he had no part in.)

(Somewhere in Iowa, Wayne is drunk and angry because Diane gave her baby another man's name.)

Her fingers twitch, opening an imaginary lighter. She can almost smell the gas igniting. She's got regrets. This is not one.

Title: Lest Ye Be Judged
Prompt: judge
Characters/Pairing: Kate/Sawyer
Rating: PG
Summary: Kate/Sawyer, reset!verse. Hell, I've done things too, Bonnie.
Spoilers: through LA X

originally posted 2/15/10 here

He doesn't even look surprised to see her, two weeks later in an empty bar on her way east. He grins around his beer and slides onto the barstool beside her.

“So. What'd you do?”

She cuts her eyes to him. “What's it to you?”

“Hell, I've done things too, Bonnie.”

The thing is, she believes him, though she doesn't know why she should. Besides, he could find out easily enough if he watched the news, though he doesn't look to her like the CNN type.

“I killed my father.”

It's the second time she's said so aloud. This time, it goes down easier.

Title: Top Forty
Prompt: compiling
Characters/Pairing: Bea Klugh
Rating: G
Summary: Bea writes the list.
Spoilers: Three Minutes (2.22)

originally posted 2/15/10 here

Bea would prefer to do this in person, to listen and touch, watch and deduct and decide. But Tom has said, time and again, that's not how Jacob wants it. And who is she to question?

So it's hours pouring over the files sent over from the other island, instead. Scribbled notes in margins from Ben and Ethan, bits of information they've gleaned from the boy. Patterns emerge, as they always do. Mistrust and hate, greed and lust. It's easy, now, to see who can be played against the other.

She takes the tattered piece of paper and writes, carefully, four names.

She smiles. He will be pleased.

Title: Take These Broken Wings
Prompt: appalling
Characters/Pairing: it'd give it away, really
Rating: PG
Summary: There's always been something a little different about the boy...
Spoilers: through Whatever Happened, Happened

originally posted 2/17/10 here

There's always been something a little different about the boy, but she's never been able to pinpoint exactly what. He's just quiet, too quiet. There's something about his eyes. But he's her flesh and blood, and that means something, enough that she ignores what's different. He's been through enough. And then --

“Look! Watch this!” His voice from the other room, and she goes to him because he sounds so animated, like she rarely hears him.

She follows his pointing finger in time to watch a sparrow pause mid-flight - spiral into the window - fall to the dirt below. Still.

He smiles. Carole screams.


character: aaron littleton, character: kate austen, character: carole littleton, rating: pg, event: lost drabble challenge, character: james 'sawyer' ford, rating: g, fandom: lost, pairing: kate/sawyer, character: bea klugh

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