Jul 22, 2004 10:59
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
i hate my body. what the crap.
Posted 7/20/2004 at 9:54 PM by thisiswhatthecoolkidsdo
i love your body! ha thats funny. so yeah i just talked for an hour with one of my roomates adn she talks a lot but seems real nice. i think im more excited now. i dont know. and i got my computer today. ok so she goes by jenn also. wait best thing ever! her address is 420 ferdale rd and her birthday is 4-20-86. hahah. anyway it made me laugh. and i pointed this out to her. so i hope you have a good day. i ended up just taking pictures and going to bed early last night. we need to drum again soon. love, sista rocking poncho towel sock lady in a centipede infested alley holding a sign and a spoon. wait now shes having some sort of sidewalk seizure. quick someone call the medical-dating experts. they are out for a late breakfast with salt and pepper and jelly? yes, and jelly. that explains it all...
Posted 7/21/2004 at 1:45 PM by wataka_fighters
hello. this is the marmalade. why am i always neglected?! WHY! also, message from the centipede union, they're sick and tired of this slander!
andrea, i love you!!! and i love how you're amused by little pothead things. hahaha.
Posted 7/21/2004 at 3:35 PM by thisiswhatthecoolkidsdo
so your saying im a pothead, eh? yeah thats what it sounded like. oh now your calling me fat! you just wait until we happen to be at the next aquarium we see on the side of the road. then we'll see who the real tough guy is. hah!
Posted 7/21/2004 at 6:49 PM by wataka_fighters
watch out for the several grizzly bears i pre-emptivly put in your closet...
and the great white shark thats in your toilet.
i also planted man-hungry venus fly traps in your garden.
look up. the cheat, my secret killer spy cat is hanging from your ceiling fan.
Posted 7/21/2004 at 8:42 PM by thisiswhatthecoolkidsdo
yeah you may be the tough guy now. but your a tough guy without a left foot. aw thats sad and so is what happened to the cheat this morning after he flew off the fan into the shark infested toilet of mine. the truth is just so harsh. so harsh.
Posted 7/22/2004 at 10:46 AM by wataka_fighters
HAHAHAHA! the cheat went through the sewer system, made friends with an alligator or two, came back into my house threw the toilet and then she and her alligator army headed back over to your house... with a vengence.
Posted 7/22/2004 at 3:40 PM by thisiswhatthecoolkidsdo
yes, but all the teenage mutant ninja turtles down in the sewer system, that were distrupted as the cheat made her way back, will be guarding my house. and theres a definite possibility that leonardo will be hiding in the bushes ready to attack with that grizzly bear that you so kindly left in my closet. right now michaelangelo is practicing the tribal war dance along with donatello who is borrowing my drum for the procession. what im trying to say is, well... its a party! come join us in our tribal luau. dont forget to bring a dish to share. we can just scratch all that war business. and speaking of scratching, can you get high off scratch and sniff stickers? that sounds like a good question for our "medical-dating experts".
Posted 7/22/2004 at 4:12 PM by wataka_fighters