I was talking to Bugs this afternoon and reminded her that our next prompt had been 'not too hot'. She wants to know what the hell we were thinking! But really, I kinda liked it! (Although I had heaps of issues with my fic!) It was to do something sensuous and erotic (basically secksy times) without using any graphic terms or words.
kaliclara posted the short but sweet
That KissOur resident secksy times writer,
nixmom, gave us a two parter
All in the TimingBugs did write something despite having no recollection today (this is not unusual for Bugs, trust me) and she added some Saul to make it for Nix's birthday
Pain's SuccessorI offered up Kobol secksy times with
Part of Me I Can't Let GoAnd
defyingnormalcy locked Laura and Bill in the head in
Closed Door Policies Now... To do pics of this prompt... Sex scenes were out. As were kisses, I thought. But Bill and Laura needed to be creating heat anyway. So... This is just about every other scene, I believe! These two sizzle up the screen like no one else can. I discussed several possibilities with Bugs, but in the end I returned to my original idea. Even though we've looked at these pics before, they are still sexy as hell. I do not believe there is truly a time where they crackle with UST quite like this series of scenes. In fact, they make the flashbacks in the same eppy pale in comparison. Yes, I'm talking Unfinished Business boxing scenes... Guh...
Where they make 'hey' one of the sexiest words evah.
All those frustrations... Uh-huh...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?