This is harder then I thought!! Whatever I post has to have a shippy ness, can't just be all Laura;)
And the Gods KNOW our favorite pics are the ones where Bill and Laura are BOTH fully visible and fully showing their luvre (I can't believe I just used that word!) all over their faces and in every tiny bit of their body language!! Well, those are some rare pics!
So here I decided to spin this a little, it's mostly Laura, we know Bill is in the scene... But I just love the way she's trying to be sneaky, she wants to stay Bills girl friend and not go back to being the president! And if Bills sees that she's interested in what's happening, he'll convince her to help!
Lookin' @ Saul, listening!
Checking out Bills reaction to what Saul had said
Bill turns toward her, oops she's just reading, you boys are boring her! (Yea right!)
Then she's all "I'll be waiting for you in bed with dinner ready and a book when you get home, I want nothing to do with this mess" yet I'm already getting sucked back in
How's that?
I promise a more shippy scene(s) tomorrow night (unless someone beats me to the post;)
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