Sorry for all of the misposts and broken polls. This one is working now. I promise.
Since our prompt for the week is Laura's accessories I thought we'd take a look and rank them, 1-15. Which were your favorites and why? The ranking poll and I are fighting, so here are the pics, and the poll will follow immediately. Let's see if this works. Oh, cut for lots o pics.
The Beautiful Bangle of Strength
The beaded necklace, or anti-Ellen Tigh Talisman
Bill, a blanket and nothing else.
The Brown Robe of Win
The Butterfly Scarf
The hoops earrings
The Glasses of pure sexy.
The headscarf
The heart necklace
The Admiral.
The Wig
The watch. Where did this go after Season 2?
The White Robe of Comfort and dying. (seriously, why do we only see this when she's ill?)
The Super Sekrit Wedding Ring of Truth!!
Poll Every Girl Loves a Bauble