A Dramatic Turn: Chapter Eight: In Which Our Heroes Fight a Psychopathic Firefighter

May 20, 2012 22:31

Title: In Which Our Heroes Fight a Psychopathic Firefighter
Word Count: 1569
Rating: T
Disclaimer: don't own them.
Prompt: Bringing out the big guns.
A/N: Co-written with marzipanilla and nvgvup 
Summary: Laura and Bill make their way to Kara for help.  Laura considers the danger they're in, and reacts accordingly.

They were heading off campus, toward the direction of the Green House.  The knowledge Cain wanted Laura dead put them both on high alert-not that they weren’t already in that state.  But it was absolutely terrifying; although they both tried to put on a brave face, continuing ever onward, neither could deny the danger they faced.  If Zarek was dangerous, Cain was possibly even more so.  As head of the counter-terrorism unit, there was nothing to stop her from branding Laura a terror suspect.  Then, she wouldn’t be safe anywhere-and neither would Bill if he were with her.  Their only hope was that Cain would refrain from drawing attention to Laura.  Because if the unit started looking at Laura, they’d look at Zarek, and it wouldn’t take long to start piecing everything together.  Cain would know that, and avoid that conclusion at all costs.  Laura suspected hers wasn’t the only death Cain was plotting by the end of the day’s events.

Laura knew exactly what Cain was.  She was a classic Iago or a psychopathic firefighter.  The woman would plot the destruction of buildings and lives, just so she could look like the hero for bringing the terrorist to justice.  Zarek would never live to be arrested.  He was a loose end, a liability.  Cain would likely embed two bullets into his skull-one to do the job, and the other just in case.  She’d be hailed a hero.  Laura didn’t want to think about what would happen to her name-or Bill’s.  Cain would join the Colonies in public mourning of the loss of lives in the destruction of Baltar’s lab.  But her heart would be black on the inside.  And she’d get more funds and support for her unit, which was likely exactly what she wanted.  A psychopathic firefighter indeed.

They were moving slowly.  Avoiding passerbys at all costs.  They wanted to put as much distance between themselves and her office-and Cain-as possible.  Lucky for them, the excitement at the student center and the actual explosion on campus effectively evacuated the university.  The only people on campus were the ones who hadn’t managed to leave yet or the responders to the explosion.  They should manage to leave campus undetected-as long as they stayed off the standard walkways and remained under cover of the trees and other shady spots.  The sun was starting to set, and it would be dark soon, which would help remain hidden.

As they walked, Laura ruminated over all the events that had happened that day-and in the past.  Bill could sense Laura’s mind ticking.  Over the weeks he had fallen in love with her mind even faster than he had with the rest of her.  Not that he wasn’t attracted to her from the start, he was, but it was her intelligence, frightening as it was sometimes, that had earned his respect and love first.  He got interested because she looked good; he stayed interested because she sounded good.  But that day, he’d learned just how important her intelligence was.  She was invaluable in a crisis.  He was proud to know her and love her.  He’d support her in any way he could.

“I can hear you thinking, Laura.”

“Not sure that’s possible.”

“You know what I mean.  What’s on your mind?”

“Cain’s very dangerous.  More so than Zarek.”

“You’re worried about getting to the Green House undetected?”

“There and everywhere else.”

“Is there anywhere we can go?  Get changed, maybe disguise ourselves. I mean we’re soaking wet and look like we’ve been through an explosion.  We’ll attract attention for sure.”

“Yeah, my house is on campus.”

“How’d you manage that?”

“Dean, remember?”

“Do you think it’s safe?”

“As safe as anyplace at this point.”

“Let’s go, then.”

Laura assumed Zarek knew where she lived.  After all, he’d been stalking her for weeks, at least.  If Zarek knew where she lived, Cain did.  But neither of them would expect her to go there, especially when Zarek had left her that lovely note.  Zarek would have expected her to rush off to Baltar’s lab in a misguided attempt to save everyone; Laura liked to think she was more controlled than that.  Cain would have expected her to get as far from campus as possible not walk through the front door of her on-campus home.  Clearly, neither of them knew Laura at all.  No-one really did, except Bill, it seemed.  She liked that he was the only person in the worlds who understood her.  Perhaps he had from the beginning; maybe that was what made them work, against all odds.  But even if Cain and Zarek wouldn’t expect her to head home, she had to expect one or the other had a surprise waiting for her there-just in case.

Dean Roslin would have liked to think that the day’s events had made her slightly paranoid.  That wasn’t the case.  Laura had always thought in those terms.  She always thought of the worst case scenarios and planned accordingly.  It was how she had been so successful her entire life.  It was also exhausting.  She was ready for someone to pick up the slack, to be her partner, and the gods brought her Bill.  And she’d be forever in their debt.  But she needed to remain on guard until the situation was resolved.

Laura gave Bill’s hand a gentle squeeze-they had been holding hands since they had overheard Cain’s phone call to Zarek.  She led him toward her house.  Continuing their steady pace under cover as much as possible, they made it to her back porch, which Laura figured would be the safest entry point.  She was right, as there were no further explosions and no signs of anyone present.  Once inside, Laura quickly assessed her home.  She saw no indication that anyone had been inside.  Nothing was out of place, although that didn’t necessarily mean that it was safe.  Regardless, they had little time.  Bombs typically explode; the one waiting for them in Baltar’s lab wouldn’t wait forever.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any men’s clothes, Bill.  Except-“


“I have some of my father’s old outfits.  He was about your size.”

“By all means.”

Laura quickly found one of her father’s outfits that she was willing to part with.  She was rarely sentimental, but she had kept her family’s belongings.  As things they didn’t mean much to her, but as symbols of her family and the love they had shared when they were together, they meant everything.

The pair quickly cleaned and dressed their wounds, which were even more superficial than they thought.  Bill changed into the outfit Laura picked for him, joking that he hadn’t had a woman pick an outfit for him since he left home to join the Colonial Fleet.  Laura disappeared into her bedroom.  When she came out, moments later, her beautiful auburn hair was covered by a harsh black wig.

“Good disguise.”

“I thought so.”

“Do you do this often?”

“I told you, I don’t.”

“I just meant the wig.”

“Oh.  It’s what I wore when my hair fell out.”


“I had cancer.”

“But you beat it, right?”

“I’m in remission.  7 years now.  One more and then I can say I beat it.”


“My left breast.”

“I love you.”

“Is that going to be our thing?”


“Only saying those words in near-death situations.”

“Laura, I plan on saying those words every day for the rest of my life.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“I just….I could have lost you before I even had the chance to meet you.  I don’t think I could live without you.”

“Let’s go, soldier.”

They exited Laura’s home the way they had entered, knowing that was safe.  They made their way to the Green House and were glad Kara was still there when they arrived.

“What’s up, Madame Prez, Old Man?  I barely recognized you two.”

“Kara, I’m in serious need of some tea, but then we need to talk.  I need your help.”

“Anything for the Dean who didn’t get me expelled.”

“Expel you, what did you do Kara?” Bill asked, shocked that the spunky barista would have been in that much trouble.

“I may have hacked into Baltar’s computer system.”

“And you didn’t turn her in?”

“Why would I want her expelled for being smarter than Gaius Baltar?”

“That’s pretty much what she said, when I asked her the same question, Old Man.”

“You two are full of surprises.”

“But you love us.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“So, what ya need, Madame Prez?”

“I need you to hack into Baltar’s system again.  We need to get into his lab.”

“No probs.  I get off in 20 min.”


“Sit and drink your tea.”

Kara prepared two teas, and Laura and Bill took a seat at a table in the deserted cafe.  Bill surprised Laura by taking out his cell phone-by even having a cell phone, considering his proclivity to hate technology.

“What? It’s not like it’s a smart phone,” Bill said, noticing his love’s expression.  “It’s not like I live in the dark ages.  I’m just wary, is all.”

“Who you calling?”

“I’m bringing in the big guns.”

“Big guns?”

“My son, Zak.  He’s a cop.”

“What for?”

“To protect you, silly.  You think I’m going to let that psychopath kill you?”

“Which one?”


team!laura, anniversary battleship

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