Back to debriefing Bill (that'll never get old)

May 18, 2012 12:49

The answers!!!

1. What did Cottle remove when he operated on him?

Ishay removed the bullets and the spleen. However, he was still bleeding so Cottle assumed she’d ‘missed something’. Therefore, I have accepted shrapnel, which we can assume was the problem. For sure, we know he repaired his damaged ‘mesenteric artery’. Yeah, I’ll get back to you on what that does...pumps blood I guess...

2. What does his uncle do for a living?

We don’t learn anything about Uncle Sam. Instead we hear about the chicken farmer/rancher with fox issues.

3. Name the Battlestars we know for sure he served on, and what rank he had on each.

He started on the Galactica. (Some of you forgot this one.) It’s written on the side of his Viper that he was a Lieutenant. He went back in the Fleet as a Major on the Atlantia. He also served as an XO on Columbia. The rank is unknown, but I’ll accept those who assumed it was Colonel. His Commander positions we know about are the Valkyrie and the Galactica. (The timeline is so frakked, it is a possibility he commanded elsewhere.) Eventually Laura gave him those pips as an Admiral on Galactica.

4. What was the name of the Admiral who ordered him to send Bulldog over the redline?


5. What pyramid team does he follow?

Picon Panthers. Not the C-Bucs.

6. What’s his full name?

William Adama. Joseph is fanon only.

7. Whose lighter did he let Lee borrow? Who bought it and when?

It was Lee’s grandfather’s. Bill’s mother gave it to him when they were at law school. Fraks up the Caprica timeline pretty well that statement.

8. We all know his callsign, but what other nickname/abbreviated name did he have when he was younger?

Young hot Bill was Billy Adama. Not Wee Willie. That’s just too weird.

9. What are the three names he called his wife? (Hint: Howler Monkey is not correct.)

Mumbling Eddie calls her Anne, Caroline and eventually Carolanne. Keeps those people who claim there are two wives happy anyway.

10. What impressive feat did he manage in the First Cylon War which gained him a commendation?

He shot down at least one Cylon raider in his first mission. (If you watch Razor, it was actually quite a few. Not sure about 100 as someone said. *snort*)

Mel almost got them all right. She wavered on the full name answer, and I penalised her a point for being outside the 12 hour deadline. Yes, I am a tough mod.

Adding in all the points, Nix’s super-duper spreadsheet tells me Team!Laura is still ahead on 2177 points, Team!Bill on 2099.

anniversary battleship

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