Scoring update and Housekeeping

May 12, 2012 12:17

I went through this morning and verified scoring to date.  In the process I found a few posts by different members that were not tagged with their "by" tag.  I am using that tag to validate scoring so please make sure that you tag ALL of your entries to avoid confusion.  If I sent you a message this morning please check that I did indeed find all of your entries and that they are tagged.  If you find one that wasn't please PM me so that we can get it added/back on to your score.

We've had a ton of entries so far and I don't know about all of you but I love to see my flist so full of A/R goodness.

Another reminder that submission for the Icon contest are due by May 16th.  We would like to keep submissions anonymous until after voting so please PM one of the mods with your submission.

And now onto the score.

Team!Bill was helped out a bit by several posts in honor of lacklusterfic's birthday, so they now are coming in at - 1391

Team!Laura is still out in front doing her leadership thing with - 1474.

Wonderful job you guys.  Let's keep it up.

anniversary battleship, moddy post

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