Dec 21, 2011 09:49
We almost have 100 members here! Yay! I'm going to cross my fingers that we can convince one more person to come over and join in the a/r love before Christmas. Until then, let's reach 100 another way. Let's offer 100 reasons why we love our favourite ship.
Complete the following sentence: "I love a/r because they are..."
Add a comment to this post. Just one word per comment. Any reason why you love Bill and Laura. An example could be 'sexy' or 'hot' or 'classy'. The only rule is you can't add a comment following your own comment. That is, I'll post one comment, and then someone else must post one before I can again. (Boy, I hope I make sense today...)
Let's get to 100 before Christmas one way or another!!!!
insane fangirling