ay que sencilla

Jan 04, 2005 19:37

It's the start of a new year. Well, yes that's obvious, isn't it? I'm doing ok. I got back from Córdoba and León and hung out with my friends, only to sadly rediscover how much we don't have in common. I have fun with them, but there's definitely something fundamentally different between us. I had a good talk with my host mom yesterday, and I think she was right in saying that I have things that really interest me; dance, drama, philosophy, religion, politics to some extent, reading, languages, cultures... and I get bored hanging out with people whose main goal in life seems only to be to enjoy. I've never been with them once outside of school where there was a lack of marijuana or hatchiss or some sort of drug/alcohol. It's not that I think what they're doing is morally wrong and that I shouldn't affiliate myself with that "type" of people, but the more I hang out with them the more I realize that we just aren't the same. And that's not a bad thing, but if I feel like I can't relate than I need to search for something else. Don't get me wrong, there's a few of them, like Ester, that I really like a lot, they're fun people and really nice to me. But I don't feel satisfied with my relationships. I think my goal, resolution so to speak, is to spend more time with the people who are more compatible with me. I know a few off the top of my head, and there's also a group of girls that I hung out with toward the beginning of the year that since then I haven't hung out with them that much due to going out with people from my school, and I think I'd like to hang out with them more. In other news, I've been busy with college applications and trying to figure out what happened to my SAT I scores. On the SAT II I got a 590 in Writing and in Math 1, and a 740 in Spanish. I think it's understandable considering I have neither spoken much English in the past 3 months nor been in a math class for awhile, although I was surprised at how bad I did on the math, I've always been pretty good minus last year. I'm pretty confidant I did better on the SAT I, I felt really good about it after I took it but for some reason my scores never showed up on the website, something got messed up with the dates I think. Aaaanyway, I'm also on Harry Potter 5 now, and since I last read it I've forgotten quite a bit, so it's like reading it for the first time (gotta love it). I'm talking with an AFSer from turkey right now, I girl I met when I first arrived, and she's basically in the same situation as me. I'm having a good time here, don't get me wrong. I'm not sad, I just know what's missing and I'm going to do my best to look for it.
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