What must it be like, to be a villain’s love interest?
To be a supporting player of a supporting player, vanishing into comic book limbo and emerging once every ten or thirty years to again play your role on the sidelines of someone else’s tragedy? What happens when writers think that your love isn’t enough, and that you need to be something else
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Thanks! It's not strictly the 'first draft', as that's often defined, because I tend to edit my work as I write it - but it's still a work in progress, definitely.
I'll let you know when I've seen 'em. Nighttime is arguably not completely wrong for the series, though; a number of the Season One episodes took place partly or primarily at night - the first Catwoman episode, for instance.
Either way, it sounds like you have your work cut out for you, but you also have the raw material to work with, which is awesome. Again, keep me posted!
Oh sure, I know some episodes did take place at night, but it's part of a larger problem with the animated movies not being bright and colorful enough. They're kinda washed-out and the animation is pretty cheap-looking, which seems to be par for the course when it comes to DC animated films. Thankfully, the writing and voice acting are pretty damn solid throughout (with some exceptions, like the rather standard takes on the Joker and the Penguin). That's what matters to me.
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