As my second post for 2/22 (posted at 22:22, military time!), I bring you the latest updates for the Two-Face RPG that Henchgirl has been working on (and I'm helping!). The progress has been slow and marred by all the same that have slowed down my own output here, but rest assured, it's still underway! It just may take a year. Or three. In the
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I would love to get Henchgirl and tear this one apart too if only I had the time and inclination, but alas, we have neither. Still, I just had to at least mention my frustrations here, just to see if anyone else is as annoyed by this as we are in the Hefner/Henchgirl/Captain household. What's really annoying about this is that I otherwise LOVE the AV Club, but man oh man, that one guy's reviews always drive me up the wall. Has anyone else been following the TAS reviews? If so, have there been any that have caught your attention in a good or bad way?
The reviews themselves? Eh, I can take or leave 'em.
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