Back during that mystical period known as the nineties, Batman writers Alan Grant and Doug Moench decided--for whatever reason--to give the Scarecrow a bizarre laugh that went "HAROO HRAAA" or sometimes "HAROO HRAAII."
At least, I think it was meant to be a laugh. Maybe it was meant to be the Scarecrow version of "BOOGA-BOOGA!" which would
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For my next "I've got waaaaay too much spare time on my hands" project, I'm considering re-writing the Pokerap and inserting Batman villains into it instead. Of course, if this comes to pass, you are contractually required to sing it and put it on Youtube.
In other news, I've just discovered that one of my favorite mangas, Franken Fran, has ended... about a month ago. It's impacted me more strongly than I thought it would - like the friend that bit the dust as soon as you stopped keeping tabs on him every 24 hours.
That, and the ending was both odd and strangely fitting for such as grotesque, bizarre, yet charming manga.
Although personally, I might be tempted to instead just do this one straight:
So far, I've got three sets of rhyming names. I thought up a fourth one, involving Firefly, but I forgot who the other guy was by the time I rushed to write it down.
Any ideas?
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