Note: This post isn't a review, but is in fact a very roundabout way to asking you all a geeky question for the sake of amusement. You were warned.
I wish I had the time and energy to devote a whole post--nay, a SERIES of posts--to the batshit insanity that is Batman: Fortunate Son.
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Mr. Freeze- "War March of the Priests" (Hey, his BTAS origin was inspired by Dr. Phibes).
Two-Face- "Two of Hearts" by Stacey Q. There are also like, a million Two-Face tributes on Youtube set to Three Day's Grace's "Animal I have become".
Harvey's least favorite song is probably Rush's "Freewill".
Mad Hatter- "Little girls" by Oingo Boingo. I know you hate Jervis being a pedo, but there needs to be one Oingo Boingo song on this list.
Scarecrow- "Scarecrow of Romney Marsh" theme by Disney. Hey, I could have been more blatant and chosen "If I only had a Brain".
Ras Al Ghul- "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones. Vandal Savage and The Shade also fit this song well.
Karlo Clayface- "Horror Movies" by Dickie Goodman.
Catwoman- "Raised on Robbery" by Joni Mitchell. Also fits Harley Quinn.
Hugo Strange- "Strange Magic" by ELO.
Doctor Tzin Tzin- "Foo Man Choo" by The Revels.
Black Mask- "Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones.
Firefly- "Burnin' for you" by Blue Oyster Cult.
As a huge Oingo Boingo fan who especially adores that song, I just can't bring myself to sully both it and Jervis, as incredibly tempting as it is. Thankfully, someone else did it for me!
My first thought about Ra's loving the Stones was to be incredulous before I realized that O'Neil himself made it canon that Ra's met Talia's mother at Woodstock.
The thought of Hugo Strange secretly being a huge ELO fanboy fills me with an odd sort of happiness.
Aside from those and the last two, I have not heard any of the others, and will rectify this later.
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