Nov 26, 2005 18:55
..uck im alone on a sat. night , all my friends are busy and roberts hunting at dads, I played all Video games at can take poo so ill update this stupid thing no one reads anyways .... Last Monday was Robert and I's 2 year anniversary We definitly had A GREAT day .. and night*wink* I wish everyone knew how great it feels to be truely loved to be taken care of by someone who loves you the way you are good &bad, something so much bigger than sex ,I know not many people get that privaleg so thank you robert from the botton of my heart ~&~
in other news _joo-low im excited about going shopping tomorrow but your buying lucnh beoach and you should make your own Lj so i can leave witty comment's in it so you can look-at it when your contimplating suicide lol love you *