(mod post) The Icon Maker Pimp Post (Reeza and Nikka Style)

Jan 09, 2009 20:28

So Nikka delicatinelity and I decided to do this in honor of the awesome icon makers we've seen so far. I guess we could all use some inspiration, yes? Please give this a shot if you have time! :D

The Icon Maker Pimp Post
Reeza and Nikka Style

delicatinelity @ yahnande
reeza says: nikka's icons are always a surprise. her batches are a combination of simple icons and complex ones. her violet coloring is something fresh and new that nobody can exactly duplicate. though she may get carried away with the yellows and sharpness of her icons sometimes, she's pretty much a well-rounded icon maker. she can only get better. :D

gyaku @ chippugp
reeza says: MY FAVORITE. GUH. ♥ her graphics always leave me speechless. her use of textures is just awesome, coupled with her resizing skills - even if the image has been resized, it doesn't lose its details. and her coloring is definitely A++! there are times when her coloring has too much red, but these times are really rare and she manages to pull them off so well. she's just... amazing, yeah. ♥
nikka says: ADMLAKUCKSNRUVKUDOUTGODHVNG. goodness, when she updates i die every single time. what the hell! her creative use of texture, cropping and coloring just blows me away. i've told her this so many times already -- but ugh.... i lovehate her for being so good. i am so jealous. *cries* ilu bb!

citharia @ asprialet
reeza says: jiamin's muted yet natural coloring is something makes her stand out from the rest. her cropping's really simple but it complements her coloring very well. i especially love how she keeps her icon crisp with her coloring. :D
nikka says: i have seen her around but although i don't follow her as much, i am astounded with her simplicity and cropping. :D it's a wonderful combination!

oxygene @ empyre
reeza says: ah, sarah. she is definitely an all-rounder when it comes to making icons. her coloring is bold and dark. her use of textures is just... awesome. she seems to make it look easy well in fact it isn't. she's always been one of my icon maker influences, and she will always be. :D
nikka says: ahhh. another one of my faves. and another reason why i icon. :D 'nuff said.

vowel @ bassviol
reeza says: acire is just... awesome. her stock icons are most appealing to me because she makes the simplest pictures look so full of meaning with her coloring. it's as if she creates a story with her coloring AND cropping. her animanga icons are just as awesome. also, her amazing use of textures is something i will never be able to have. she's definitely one of the icon maker legends.
nikka says: her icons are always so put together and clean. she can make some of the most unappealing images to beautiful creations. just.... wow.

yuchun @ beulling
reeza says: considering the many people who have come before him, minhyuk's pretty new to the icon making business. what i love about his coloring, though, is that it's always bright and clean. his 'extreme' crops are just as good. he might go a little overboard with the yellows every so often, but he manages to keep them in control most of the time. definitely a good one. :D
nikka says: oh this person. when i see his username in my flist, i just click without thinking. his coloring can get a bit harsh sometimes, but it doesn't stop me from ogling at cropping and just the beauty of the images. *hugs* i can't say anymore. just wow.

epikish @ beulling
reeza says: i consider her one of the masters of simple icons. her coloring is just so clean and natural and real. her big crops never seem to make her icons look empty. i wish she'd come back soon, really.
nikka says: hyun is such a doll. her icons are simple and crisp and beautiful. and downright, amazing. i miss her deeply. hope you come back soon, hun!

clarions @ beulling
reeza says: i love her simple and natural coloring. her use of negative space is really interesting.
nikka says: *glomps* uh... yeah.

unmyeong @ beulling/poppystalk/hellocolour
reeza says: sophie's too amazing for someone her age, really. i love it that she's equally good in coloring both animanga and fandom pictures. her close crop fully utilizes her soft coloring, bringing her icons to life.
nikka says: oh this kid. how i love this person. srsly. everyone in beulling are amazing. her coloring and cropping are beautiful.

shred @ coloures
reeza says: chula's stock icons are the best, really, probably because of her cropping. also, her soft, muted coloring adds drama to her icons. one of the masters of simple icons, she's definitely someone to look out for. :D
nikka says: i'm a sucker for her stock icons. ♥

mulkkogi @ fandomlust
reeza says: iya's relatively new to the icon making business just like minhyuk, but her cropping and bright coloring is just amazing. resizing seems to work well with her coloring. an upcoming good icon maker, definitely. :D
nikka says: i don't get how she can be so.... amazing when she's only new to this. 8| i am so jealous *head desk* but anyway, her coloring makes me smile! i don't know why, but i does!

ringopie @ harajukunights
reeza says: georgie's coloring can be summed up in one word: BLUE. while most of today's new coloring uses much greens, georgie makes her icons stand out with her amazing use of blues. while she may get carried away with them sometimes, she manages to balance them out with soft reds and yellows to produce an icon that definitely spells out georgie in bold and capital letters. :D
nikka says: BLUE IS WHO GEORGIE IS. cool, calm and collected -- those are what her icons represent. when i see blue icons, i know it's georgie's. ♥ she surprises me when she makes them, bec. although the color gets harsh -- in the images they look soft and like i said, cool. ♥

airpilot @ hellocolour
reeza says: her coloring is really unique. i love her soft pinks and reds and the greys in the background. her simplistic style really matches her coloring style. :D
nikka says: LONG LIVE MUTED COLORING. i love her coloring. XD

kyupples @ taekhun
reeza says: i will really hit this girl in the head really hard for saying that she's not good. :| darry's coloring is always changing, but there's this certain something that will let you know that it's hers. her close crops are always awesome, too. :D
nikka says: GOODNESS THIS GIRL IS JUST -- *hugs* she's just really awesome. should i say anything more? i think reeza's covered it.

legoskies @ legoknights
reeza says: this girl has tons of potential, really. she's got a great grasp of cropping, and she knows the kind of coloring to use for certain pictures. her coloring's normally dark and warm, and this adds drama to her icons. she's definitely someone to look out for. :D
nikka says: like what reeza said: her cropping is eye-catching.

evangellie @ nuagedeau
reeza says: her black and white icons are superb, as in, and she always seems to know how to crop her pictures. her stock icons are just as great. i love love love the browns in her coloring. an awesome icon maker, indeed. :D
nikka says: b/w icons do not get enough love, for real. hers are one of the very few that i love so much!

deardbsk @ papercherry
reeza says: faana! i love seeing this girl grow as a graphics maker. her coloring focuses on light grays and pinks, primarily, and she's able to utilize this kind of coloring even when she uses textures. her coloring's clean and always vibrant. she's definitely on her way to the top. keep an eye on her works! :D
nikka says: ahhhh, faana. srsly, when i see her icons -- i imagine junsu is bouncing around her head thus making her create such precious icons. 8D her coloring is pretty, and so is her cropping.

☆ Nikka's list THIS way @ yahnande
☄ Inspired by vowel and perv's Icon Maker Pimp Post. :D

abor: misc

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