(no subject)

Mar 25, 2006 15:59

Bianca has, over the centuries, gotten to know her body very well. The curves of her breats and hips and stomach, the texture of her skin and the way her nearly curly hair falls. As a courtesan, a beautiful girl and then woman amongst many, it was a matter of income and survival. Later, as a vampire, it was about vanity and curiosity on how her body whitened and hardened as the centuries went by.

So, to stand like this and dress in front of the mirror is by now a habit. Vain? A little, but it is fact that Bianca Maria Solderini is a beautiful woman and habit does not vanish. It is comforting, reassuring, and after the stresses of the last couple of months, Bianca is back in front of the mirror.

The weather is getting colder, slowly, and so out come the jeans she hasn't worn in months. They are tight around her hips, but Bianca always did have a habit of wearing her jeans thus.

Never to the point where she can't do the top button up, though. Bianca pauses, and glances down. Take in a deep breath and...

She still can't do the button up. Now, had Bianca been her old mortal self, she would have just muttered about gaining weight again and eaten a bit less. After all, she had a figure that gained weight more easily then it lost. However, she's not her old mortal self. Since becoming human in January, she'd found it hard to eat. Centuries of nothing but blood and the thought of food still made her feel ill. Logically, she should be losing weight, not gaining it.

Now frowning, she turns side-wise to look at her stomach in the mirror. Curved, yes, and that's what had been considered beautiful in the early Renaissance. Her lower stomach had been curved for centuries, frozen in time along with everything else about her, but now? Now it noticeably more rounded. Not by much, but enough to, say, make her jeans too small.

Normally, Bianca would just sigh and mutter and wear something else. But she's been stressed for weeks and moody for only slightly less, so instead of a demure sigh she begins to softly and fluently curse in the gutter Italian of the late fifteenth century.
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