Feb 20, 2003 07:49
I had a better night last night sweets. There were a few times that I came close to fliping out on Tony Gates but I have decided since what he wants is for me to do just that so I figure why make him feel acomplished me fliping out on im would'nt hurt him at all it would just make me more mad, so I have devised a plan to kill him and torture him at the same time. All I need to do is be nice to him when he is trying to get on my nerves that way he does'nt see me getting upset and does'nt feel acomplished maybe he won't feel good about him self any more and break down and shoot him self or somthin.
(I actually would'nt want him to do that I am not that cold hearted twords him I just want him to grow up so let's just replace the word kill with open his small little brain up to more than just his own exsistance.)