Spotting after period and future relationship question....

Feb 25, 2006 01:28

Just a couple of quick questions:

1.)I had a surgical abortion Jan. 6, and bled/spotted until a few days before my period came back *about four weeks after the abortion*. The clinic gave me birth control pills, which i started *on recomendation of the dr* the monday after friday starting my period. My period came and went no problem, i'm on maybe week 2/3 of the pills, and have started spotting. Nothing major, just brownish discharge. I've never had spotting between periods before. Is this maybe just my body still 'cleansing', or does this sound like maybe i need to contact the clinic?

2.)I'm no longer with the guy that got me pregnant, and have done some loose 'dating'. I haven't mentioned the abortion to any of these dates, but there is a guy, we'll call him C, who i would like to further a relationship with. C is pro-life, as he was given up for adoption by a mother who couldn't care for him. C is aware that we have different political views, but is very understanding/never attacking of my viewpoint... Does anyone have any suggestions/firsthand experience as to how i can maybe approach the subject w. him, or maybe i just shouldn't? Or, if you are no longer with the *father* how did you approach the topic in future relationships, i.e.-how long did you wait, what did you say?

Thanks, that last question seemed a bit confusing, if need be, i can clarify :D

relationship effects

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