I'm in a truly shitty situation. I have a three month old and a 5 year old. Afetr my 3 month old was born, my boyfriend and I had sex ONE TIME without a condom. And guess who's pregnant again. I can not have another baby. Even if I gave it up for adoption, which I don't think I could do, my boyfriend would leave me and my mother would throw me out
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What kind of abortion did you have? surgical under twilight ("general") anesthesia.
Was it painful? not in the least. i don't remember any of it and i had no pain afterwards. just a normal period, though it was a bit lighter.
How long couldn't you really do anything afterwards? i resumed normal activity the same day. i remember gardening when i got home, lol.
Do you have any feelings of regret now? none.
Did you have those feelings at the beginning? yes, but because i got into the situation in the first place, not because i aborted.
If so, for how long? slightly less than 8 months.
If you had the surgical kind (which is what I'm having) did you take the valium? i had general anesthesia, where you are "knocked out". i hear without that, it is incredibly uncomfortable.
Did it make you feel high or sick? it just made me fall asleep and not remember anything.
If you could go back and do it differently, would you? nope.
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