To blog...

Jan 06, 2007 23:43

This isn't my Rome trip write-up, just the notes I need to supplement my short-term memory to be able to actually write it. I just thought I'd whet your appetites.

Tue: Arrive mid-afternoon. Horrible long walk from train station to hostel with heavy bag with broken wheel. Go to Santa Susanna to pick up tickets for Papal audience and go to Mass. Went to OK trattoria. Went to La Traviatta.
Wed: Papal audience: wow. St. Peter's basilica: good. Discovered wonderful buy-by-the-slice pizza: happiness. Tried to go to Mass at English college, but it seemed to be closed for Christmas vac. Walked in on pontifical Mass at San Andrea Apolostolo by mistake: v. cool. Then off to strange but fun take on vespers at Santa Maria in Travestere.
Thu: Walked up to Spanish Steps: less impressive in real life (and drizzle) than in films. Went on walking tour of centro storico: interesting. Got lost / went for walk (take your pick). Tried to visit Jewish Museum, but they didn't have change for a ten (???). Toured Collosseum (trivia question: who named it Collosseum?). Went to Mass at Trinita dei Monti (in French for a change), then to concert of opera arias (much better than actual opera I went to on Tuesday).
Fri: Vatican Museums (including Sistine chapel), Castel Sant'Angelo. Meant to do Forum, but didn't have time, so went to visit Maria Maggiore instead. Mass + Exposition/Benediction at Il Gesu: very moving. Went out with hostel people to Epiphany Eve-party (v. big in Rome, it seems).
Sat: Started off with pontifical Mass at Maria Maggiore (relic of crib, so where else for Epiphany?), then toured another three of the Major basilicas (John Lateran, Holy Cross, Saint Laurence outside the walls). Meant to do Forum, didn't have time. Went to bizarre concert at Holy Cross (teenagers singing Christian pop and a rapping Cistercian monk), then more sensible concert at Maria delli Angeli (Rossini's Petite Messe Solemne). Hung out with hostel people.
Sun: [Yet to happen...]
General: hostel oddities; variable Italian-language competencies; horrible Roman street signage (or lack thereof); my own lack of good walking shoes.

Oh, and happy new year!
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