Jul 31, 2011 20:22

 So, uhm, hi there. I know I haven't been updating lately. I'm preparing for university entrance exams and I'm leaving for Europe in a week! There's so much studying and documents to be fixed, I haven't found the time to write a lot.

I actually wanted to post a story tonight. But it's not really the one OBBP readers are waiting for, heh. When I was writing OBBP 5 (and I do have more than half of the chapter written), I had this idea for KiWoon and I just had to write it. So, yeah, I got distracted trying to finish it. It's more than 6,000 words so you can probably see how I ran out of time trying to write for MyungYeol (Oh, my deprived babies). However, here I am wanting to post it already but motherfucking LJ tells me I can't.

So there, my journal is freakin' dead and boring. I'm really sorry for the wait you guys. I really wanted to post something here. I'll keep trying to post it until it does. Gosh, you guys, I'm really sorry for being slower than a turtle with all legs injured. I'll make it up to y'all somehow! Until then, hear my cries.


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