(no subject)

Aug 08, 2008 16:05

I finished the Slytherin common room drawing/painting for HiH, so- one down, three to go. Except I know I don't have nearly enough time to do the rest, I also know that I will get them done. Its me, heh. But I've got the sketches done for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor- and a pretty good idea for Hufflepuff's. My new, shiny scanner is supposed to get all set up today, but its been sitting there for a good few weeks so I'm not certain. I need to clean in here *points to room* but I've been obnoxiously tired and lazy for someone who doesn't do very much.

I've also finished Breaking Dawn, which I suggest you read. Not because its good... nor because its decent, or tolerable. Because its barely the last, at least to me. But its horribly, terribly, amusing. I think I was physically cringing for at least a third of it, and laughing for the other 2/3s. If you read it, you'll understand the cringing part. Sort of similar to watching a really cheesy movie, except with more Mary Sues talented characters and it takes a longer time. But not much longer.

I'm going to trot off to work on yearbook pictures! yay!
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