musical chairs

Jan 14, 2007 12:25

this was the first week back from break, and i must say, as a musical theatre major.. it's pretty dang cool.
i'm finally taking a dance class [whoot] which is rhythm tap. had my schedule been less wonky [it's on OK word. weird, right?!] i could have taken jazz and ballet as well. i'll take them in the fall though. i really need to work on jazz.. i leveled into basic jazz: aka i can't move for beans, lol. rhythm tap is pretty cool though. i couldn't take regular tap [this class is sort of a tap elective] but since i leveled into tap A i can take it. my prof is awesome and i had a good time in class.
i can't take acting, because of the same wonky schedule. so to cram all 6 levels in i'll be doubling up once i hit level 3, up until i graduate. the mt's study the meisner method here. i suppose i'll read up on it this semester so i at least have a head start - i need to fly through those classes come next fall.
it took a few days, but i did finally situate myself into a studio, and i think i'm going to be happy in it. i've had two master classes and a lesson so far, and at least up to this point the emphasis has been on characterization and acting my piece, rather than pure technique. i think the theory is that if i get the characterization down, the technique will just fall into place. anywho, i like the methodology, it's tough and it's going to kick my butt, and that's exactly what i need. ultimately, i know that this studio will help me as an mt actor and vocalist, but i do hope to strengthen my lyric tenor voice - we'll see.

it's been good. there's still, what, 15 weeks to go? i have an opera audition tomorrow, and i am in the process of learning a german lied for that, so i best get back to that.
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