Jun 15, 2007 13:44
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I got the audition!! It's on Tuesday and the part is amazing i'm sooooo excited!! I know i shouldn't get my hopes up, and i normally don't, but i will be devestated if i don't get a part (any part!) in this. One of dreams has always been to be in something like this - man i would feel like i will have achieved so much if i get it!
Rich spoke again last night, kept asking why i was in a shitty mood, i said i wasn't angry with him, just angry at myself (which is probably true). I said i didn't want to talk about it. He then said he was in a bad mood, and like a baby when i asked what was up he decided he didn't want to talk about it either - when i knew damn well he did.
Mum has decided she doesn't want to go the comedy store, so now we have a spare ticket - against my better judgement i might see if Rich wants it..i know i shouldn't but i don't know anyone else who would want to go who's around and if we can get a guy to come with us that would be good so we aren't two girls on our own...
we shall see....