thanks CBTIII

Apr 04, 2005 09:42

First job: babysitting...what's the 's' for? Sitter...
First screen name: know what it's all about
First funeral: amanda white...i miss my friend
First pet: summer the husky...but only for like 3 months b/c then we moved
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: debit card...from the credit union
First kiss: i think in kindergarten with a really hot Korean know me and my asian fetish
First enemy: clothes...i hated them...i looooved being naked
First favorite musician/band: the person who sang "pipply longstockings"...that was the best song


Last car ride: to school this morning
Last kiss: in the rain...February 13th
Last movie watched: Bridget Jones: the edge of reason...she gives me hope
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: sweet and salty peanut bar
Last phone call: my dad this morning
Last time showered: this morning before school
Last CD played: Jason Mraz...waiting for my rocket
Last website visited: livejournal


Single or Taken: single...but there's hope!
Sex: Woman
Birthday: Independence Day!! 07/04/1987
Sign: cancer...i'm the crab
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue/green
Shoe size: 10 in women's; 8.5 in men's
Height: 5'8

Right now what are you...

Wearing: my sperrys, blue jeans, white polo with green and pink stripes, and green undershirt
Drinking: nadda...i'm in school
Thinking about: i hate computer applications
Listening to: mrs. jaklic ramble


1. Nervous Habits? bite my finger nails
2. Are you double jointed? in my thumbs
3. Can you roll your tongue? yup, and make a clover
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? only the right
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? heck yes i can...i can launch them, too
6. Can you cross your eyes? yup...but it hurts
7. Tattoos? none yet, but the day after i turn 18 my dad and i are going. :-)
8. Piercings and where? 2 sets in lobes and left upper ear cartiledge
9. Do you make your bed daily? nunca


10. Which shoe goes on first? right
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? who hasn't?
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? none...i have a debit card
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? class ring, upper ear ring, and watch
14. Favourite piece of clothing? beaded asian slippers


15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl and know
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? no
17. Favourite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate chip, unless i'm at coldstone then it's cake batter
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? 1 kind (honey nut cheerios); 3 boxes
19. What's your favourite beverage? water
20. What's your favourite restaurant? moe's southwestern grill or mucho (thanks mh)
21. Do you cook? yes, especially when i'm upset b/c inanimate objects can't get mad at me


22. How often do you brush your teeth? three times a day
23. Hair drying method? flip head upside down until all but ends are dry...flip over, part, and curl ends with brush
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? nope, the sun does it for me
25. Do you swear? only on rare occasions
26. Do you ever spit? no


27. Animal? Mary Helen, j/k
28. Food? ummm, queso...
29. Month? July...the hottest part of the year
30. Day? Saturday
31. Cartoon? Simpsons
32. Shoe Brand? the comfy ones
33. Subject in school? spanish, hola (no, not the gangster version of holler)!
34. Colour? red (Go Pack), black and silver
35. Sport? swimming, God bless Michael Phelps
36. TV show? CSI and Coldcase (don't call me when they're on...)
37. Thing to do in the spring? sit outside and breath in the pollen
38. Thing to do in the summer? work and, consequently, tan
39. Thing to do in the fall? hmmm, campfires...i love that smell
40. Thing to do in the winter? make snow cream
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Mary Helen, hands down
43. Ever taken a cab? yuppers
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? only if i think i have something on my face, teeth, nose
45. What color is your bedroom? blue walls, white stenciling
46. Do you use an alarm clock? only my phone
47. Window seat or aisle? window


48. What's your sleeping position? on my stomach...arms tucked under, legs flailed out
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yes, i use a sheet, a mink, a quilt, and a down comforter...all the time
50. Do you snore? not that anyone's told me
51. Do you sleepwalk? only once...the first year at breakaway i did and woke up in sarah fenske's bed...
52. Do you talk in your sleep? heck yes i do
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? i have a bear my parents got at my baby shower and with Amanda's bunny
54. How about with the light on? if i'm taking a nap...or if i just pass out...but at night i always turn it off
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? same as light...

so i guess this isn't a real update...but nothing's been going on. After i got home from all the events of spring break...i didn't do anything. I went to my grandparents' in fayetteville. i didn't do a whole lot of anything. i worked the show (jim brickman) on saturday. i had my first spotlight job. it was not nearly as bad as i thought it would be. i worked/went to church on sunday. then typed up a scholarship essay, picked up my mom from RDU, went out to Korean, went home and watched Cold Case.

I suppose I should really update about church. Covenant Church of Clayton is wonderful. It is a non-denominational church. The pastor plays guitar and sings during the singing time...and then preaches, too. He has this really cool gift to just break out in song. He'll be praying and BAM it'll just become a song. It's so cool! They also take about 10-15 minutes each service to get in small groups and talk about prayer requests. That is so uplifting! On the first sunday of every month the bring coffee and food. Dang, it's good food, too. So anyways, the really cool thing about yesterday is that two different people told me i was what they had been praying for. that is a cool feeling. :-) i'm going to their youth group on Wednesday to help out. It's all middle schoolers, so i'll get to be a "leader." I'm so excited. It's definitely a homecoming of sorts. PTL.
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