(no subject)

Jan 29, 2007 22:48

Mmyeah, I just had an idea.
Well not "just," I had it in the shower.
I suppose that wasn't the most vital of information, but anyway-- adding to the list of Dreams-That-Are-Kind-Of-Difficult-To-Accomplish-But-Would-Make-Me-Feel-a-Whole-Lot-Better, I've decided that "Stardust Troupe" is not a very good band name. It'd fit in much more as the name of a Merry Pranksters-like group, wouldn't it?
I thought about this a little while after I did some reading on Wavy Gravy, the Pranksters, and the Chicago Seven and all. I realize that I miss that general era way too much to just dream about it. So either someone's going to build a damn time machine or I'm recreating the movement. Who's with me?

I am the founder of the Stardust Troupe. *chuckles* Join me, if you'd like.

Also, if anyone in their right mind would go trick-or-treating with me this year, I am going to dress up as Wavy Gravy. Probably with a flattened-out, beaten-up cowboy hat, kazoo, and an American flag shirt. He's such a neat old man. :3

Mom said the Pranksters came around in their Day-Glo bus to her college (Antioch, if I'm spelling that right, in Ohio), sometime in the early seventies. She said she was a few feet from Wavy.

I am incredibly jealous of all of my mother's stories. I'd give anything to trade them with my boring ones. 
Let's see.. she lived in Indonesia for a year at 8 years of age, in 1960; she hiked the Appalachian Trail in the summers of '79 and '80, where she actually saw energy come from her body (and no, she wasn't on drugs... at that time); she drove around downtown Boston with her best friend, Kathy (who went to Woodstock when my mother and she were 17); saw some real amazing shows, like one with Strawberry Alarm Clock, Buffalo Springfield, and The Chambers Brothers all on the same bill, as well as James Brown and Janis Joplin in a bar in Boston; she wrote poetry and dated a hippie musician named Robin; was involved with a coupla activist groups, and so on. Damn, that was a long sentence.


Also, my father worked for Greenpeace for about fifteen years, and met too many of my favorite musicians and people to name. But I'll name a few, just to be an asshole, hah. 
David Crosby, Graham Nash, Abbie Hoffman, Jackson Browne, Bob Weir, Don McLean, annnd some others I've forgotten. I suppose they weren't too many to name, eh?

Speaking of Grahmma Lamma, I had a dream about him last night and am now on a kick of a certain cracker. *coughImeanGrahambythatcough* In the dream, my brother and I were some of old!Graham's roadies, and I always acted kind of giddy and nervous when he came around me. So finally some girl (or my brother, I forgot which XD) tells Graham that it's because I had just a wee little crush on him. So he just looked me up and down and walked away, hahaha. 
And I woke up bearing said Graham kick.

And in rereading this whole big piece-o-crap, I guess I'm not very good at stringing paragraphs together. 
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