bvnfhjsdfhs - your the best! and i will make sure this one is better than that other girlss..soo yeah i galld that we are friends cause who woulod want to pass up being friend with such an awsome person, your always there to talk to and can cheer me up. and just remember like i said that you can always talk to me about everything..even though it might suond alittle wierd coming out i will always understand..and thx for being there for me, i have had sooo many awseome times with you, and i hope we have alot more. and i am rly excited to come to lakeshore next year i hope we stay friends..ha lol "man i just have to tell you i was looking at myslef in this picture and DAMN do i look hooottt " lol that wass sooo funnyyy and i dont want to see your brother " naked " if you were wondering. yeah he wants some ckicken nuggerrrss lol. that frostie wasent trhe best i think there was something wrong with it..buttt yeahh i was just thinking about that one pictuire i seeenn of you three guys when you were little and omg you look sooo youngg its sooo wierddd. and now your all like tall and big and 14 and yeahhh. lol wow and like you didnt take it all out on that snickerss you bigg ha i was just thinking about when we were playing vball at you went to go serve it and it went through like the kitcken and swiped like everrything off the table yeah i dont think you thought it was funny but i did..and i dont know if you were there when i was screming " oh my god-a my-a crock-a " lol and you could here me from all the way down the i am loud.. :-/ it happens..aww and Deffyy your doogg iss soo cute i wanted to take it home and kepp it..goshh damn it i think it was using me for a freench fry cause thats the only way i could get it to come to well all in all you are the best and i hope we stay best friends forever.. love ya.
aww heres an awsome pic of brannn singing at battle of the bandss. i couldnt find any of mark or jonn.
here aree soommee rly cute pics of me and muh numba one ghetto booty girls ( exp. teeeeennn) aha lol at ryans house one nighhhttt. :) ^^^^
and heres another cute onneee. at shelbs house that night when we all tried ( key word tried) too cramm all of our bodies together in here beddd..nope wasent unconfortable at worried i dont think i woke up with a broken leg
hhahaa lol we all plugged our noses cause someones like " what if they cann see up ourr noses " lol
wel thats . lauren..
megg wasent in it cause she was taking it :'(
wow good times that night was awesome when i seen this picture alll i did was laugh i member when tteen was trying to gett in the pivture with all of us and it took her like 5 minutes to get in it..she fought with thr wall for like 8 minutes broke her neck while doing ittt.and we just all stoof there and watched here loll it was huralrious..!!!
and then heres a picture of Teen and Bran..aww theres soo cute..i love this picture of themmm!!
and heress my fat friend katttiiee i love herr alottt.
and mellll and meeee..kinda messed upp though..oh well i misss her soo much sheeeess the coolest person in the world and i have had the best timmess with you melllll. i will never forget your lame..upss :x pretty asss. lol i look like a duckkkkk haha lol
aww and KELS NAT JILL AND BEA..there all soo prettyyy.. :) i love you guys
welll yeah thats alll i hope you liked the pictureess.
i am rly upset cause i tought mark how to do this nasty thing..werre you cross your eyes and like act rly goofy and theres a picturte of him doing it and i cant find it to puttt in here :'( i will put it in the next entry..
peacceee ..
a.bellestri <33