So my writer's block finally broke four days ago, and oh, when it broke it really broke! I've been having so much writing my main Yuletide fic and then oodles of Yuletide treats. I'm up to - *counts* - my main Yuletide fic and six Yuletide treats (so far). And still a couple of hours until reveal!
I also have two gifts of my own waiting for me at reveal, which are taunting me in all their anonymous mystery. Come to me, gorgeous fics! *covets*
Back to writing. ;)
Oh, I should mention before I go that I have had a thoroughly lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, and that I wish you all the very Merriest of Christmases, if you celebrate! (If you don't celebrate, have some hugs and cheer for no other reason than that you're you. <3)
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