Sittin' on the side waitin' for a sign...

Nov 21, 2007 15:26

So, I just wanted to clue you guys in on what's going on. I am in the process of making icons. I see my last batch didn't actually go so well. It was pretty much just a test run to see what - more or less - you guys like. I figured most were Hanson fans, but not to that extent. lol Anyway, icons on the way! I'm not making any promises for when they will be done, because finals are coming up. I do foresee them coming before Christmas! Let's hope so anyway. There are a few Holiday/Christmas styled icons, so yeah...definitely before Christmas. Say, probably a week or so. Just wanted to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about my little community. Tell all your friends! =)

If you like the style I use and want a few of your favorite artist, musician, etc. Leave me comments!
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