some gripes

Dec 12, 2009 00:47

1) I fucking hate flakes. This is really starting to piss me off. I'm going to quit even looking for more play. Maybe quit playing altogether. It sucks depending on these people who just fuck off and don't say a thing to me about whether or not they want to continue. I understand if it's not working, have the balls to fucking say something.

2) I love being home but I spend like eight hours alone in a fucking boring house. It's really smothering. I think this stay (only a week so far) has cemented the fact that I will not be living on this bullshit reserve. There's no way out. I'm running away. Far away. It already makes me sick to think of being back in bullshit Kingston in the summer. I want something different.

3) I'm so sick of my entitlement bitch sister. wtf. I can't wait until she moves out. I've heard it makes them bearable. Hopefully she can learn some fucking appreciation. Because nothing is worse than living with a bunch of entitlement bitches, maybe she'll see the error of her ways.

4) I'm really fucking sick of school. I need to graduate and do something else and that seems so fucking far away.

5) I really hate not being able to write. I can't write in this house. I need to be out there, with life and people and be able to see other things so I'm not stuck inside my head, staring at blue walls.

Everyone else is taking off and I'm still doing a bachelor's degree. I want to finish, I want out of the ordinary.

I want something different.

I feel stuck in this life.

I don't want to be here anymore.
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