(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 15:42

Sitting in Ottawa airport once again, a little bummed but happy to be moving on. I'm really not looking forward to more school but I'm happy to get a bit of independence back. I feel so smothered at home. Not because of the people, really, but more because I can't get up and go when I want to. I can't drive and being stuck on a rural reserve drives me nuts. It's not even like I have friends there anymore. Or ever, to be honest. No friends on-reserve. All the people I still talk to from Ontario were my highschool friends and none of them were from the reserve.

I'm in a half-contemplative mood but I really don't know what to do with it. Probably just talk I guess. The snow outside is intense but I can't tell if it is actually snowing or just blowing off the airport. I had to stand in line for security outside and my parents were just standing there waiting for me to go in and that was just upsetting me even more. I was so relieved to get through to security. Because of the crazy dude on Christmas day with the shoe bomb, for the first time I actually had to take my shoes off through security. It was odd.

I found the bar after security. I was so frazzled, I just said to dude I was something with vodka in it. And he's like "what do you want with vodka in it?" and I said something with fruit I don't care. He offered a vodka cranberry, best $7 I ever spent. It settled me down. Vodka and Greaet Big Sea helped me chill out. I think I'll probably go look for the bar in Trudeau Airport as well. For something to do. I may have another entry in me.

I still need to type up Flee as well, but that probably won't happen until I get to Halifax and settled. I'm not looking forward to spending another semester in Residence, but I'll manage. I'll keep acting like Child Bride doesn't exist, makes me feel better that it drives her nuts.

Anyway, the plane is at the gate. They're probably going to start boarding soon.

airport., travelling, en route to school, tired

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