Prison of the Mind

Oct 04, 2004 21:10

Ok, I know you all are totally tired of analyzing from school, but please, read this and tell me what you see in it.  I'd love to hear your input and if you like it or not.

“Prison of the Mind”

Quietly she sneaks down the hall; no one is there.  Up ahead there is an open door; no one is there.  A little more briskly now she heads for the library; there is not even a hint of whispers or turning pages.  If only she could find someone, anyone.  Becoming frantic she runs to the main hall not even noticing when she knocks over a stack of books on the way.  She reaches the entrance panting; here, here she will find them all.

The doors creak mournfully as she struggles to push them open although she cannot remember them closed before.  She falls onto her knees and begins to weep.  Not even a lonely ant searching for crumbs.  She was alone.

When she went to bed the night before she had been furious and never wanted to see any of them again.  Sure it seems funny to accidentally slip and dump your food on the little nerdy girl, but it isn’t!  She wanted revenge, wanted them all to regret their little prank.  She had run back towards the dorm when it happened and only remembers falling asleep hating them.  But now, now she would be filled with ecstasy if even the vilest among them showed their face.  Still, she was alone.

That night she had gone to bed dreaming of a world where she could live in peace and quiet.  How wonderful it would be, she would live in silence and no one, no thing would ever bother her.  She would be alone.

Oh what a cursed day when she wished for everyone to go away.  For by some ill fate she was given her heart’s greatest desire.  No chatter of voices, no chirping of birds and even the wind seemed to have been taken away.  She had wanted to be alone, but now she was alone.

In a hospital far away people wept aloud at the side of a bed.  There lay a girl, a tube down her throat and even more snaking from her arms.

A doctor walks in and explained, “She went comatose right away.  I doubt she felt a thing.”

Next to the bed a woman cried out, “My girl, my girl, my darling baby girl.”

Suddenly a man standing in the corner spoke up, “The other students have been talked to but there isn’t much more we can do.  She was running to get away from everyone and slipped down the stairs.  It was an accident, she hit her head.”

The man and the doctor walked away, the mother kept on crying and the girl heard none of this but continued to be trapped in a world all alone.

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