Nov 25, 2008 13:43
I sit here, Frozen...with a smile on my face. The chill is something that creeps. It starts at the feet, and once you forget they are there it dawns on you that you are home.
The sounds of the city and the calm of the country...everything just seems right. If i could i would stay here, and envelope myself in the city, the country and the people i never can forget but dwindle away from my memories through distance. Everything just seems to pick up were it was left off.
the snow falls with the slightest hint of sound for each flake that settles itself on the floor like a child that knows where home is. Blue and grey is the sky with a stary night that unfolds as if it were for its son, that it has not seen in many moons. Staring up at that moon, big and bright, you feel a connection with every child that looks up at that moon, and everyone else that hopes that someone else out there is doing the same as them....
So news on my trip for all of one person who reads this...I have been hanging out with my uncle for a while mostly at his appartment in Montréal. we went out to his challet in St Alfonse-Rodrigues, and it was magical.
I went to my aunts birthday party, found an old friend and danced with the did that girl dig me. sucks i had to go to my uncles challet...o wait no it doesnt. I am now in my aunts place in St Hippolyte and will stay here until friday, enjoying the calm. Then off to Grandbe with my father to visit my grandmother and grandfather. Wish me luck.
Then i go off to Francine and Claude s place for a night and then with my Cousins for a while. My plans are lying infront of me as i go, flying by the seat of my pants and thats how i like it. I wish my little lion had come, but i supose that ship has sailed. life goes on. Maybe ill have a night on the town after my cousins place...who knows, no fun to see a town myself but the people are more than agreeable and more than friendly...smoked a joint with yet another stranger...crazy. ill keep in touch.
PS, its nice to say my name and not have someone think to themselves...huh?