Since my boss is running out of light duty tasks to give me, he's loaning me out to some other departments that need work. And thank goodness - I'm glad that there is something I can do to keep working. I'm going to see a hand specialist who will probably take X-rays and MRI my wrist to get a better idea of what's wrong, so hopefully I'll get better soon.
Anywho, lately I've been driving to all the trailheads and looking at the reg boards -
these things. I check for wear and tear, clean out the dead bugs and cobwebs, remove staples, etc. All in all not so bad, except that I spend most of my day driving.
Check out that photo again. Notice that the "roof" is at exactly forehead level for someone who is, say, 5'5". And consider that when said 5'5" person is wearing her uniform baseball hat, it exactly blocks all view of objects just above her head. The upshot of all this is that yesterday I stood up directly underneath the roof and smacked my head into it. My jaw snapped shut so hard my teeth hurt. And I managed to hit my head on not one, not two, but four times. By the fourth time it hurt so bad I dropped to my knees and didn't stand up for a few minutes. My head aching, I decided to go home a bit early, and guess what? Hit my head on my car doorframe as I was leaving.
Not my most graceful day.