Sep 20, 2013 18:51
So, I've been working at SVP for just over five months now. My commute involves going west along Eglinton and then North on Kipling, way out into the reaches of Rexdale.
The thing is, ever since I started working there, there's a stop along Kipling (Panorama Court) that my brain has been insisting to me is relevant and important. I'm pretty good in general at zoning out just enough on the bus that I can daydream/get some reading done without missing my stop, because my brain generally knows what it's listening for, and alerts me to surface to full consciousness when the stop is announced. And I kind of thought that for some reason my brain had picked Panorama Court as the stop that's close enough to Steeles that I needed to be warned, even though it's a bit further away than I would normally prefer to be pulled out of wherever my brain wanders.
Anyway, just today, I suddenly realized what was actually going on: Panorama Court is the stop closest to North Albion CI, the school where I did my math student-teaching gig.
This was nearly five years ago, you guys.
Seriously. I only just noticed this week that I go by the school on my way into work, and yet my brain is still trained to warn me that I should really be paying attention whenever I hear the announcement for that stop. It's really that ingrained.