Feb 21, 2008 12:51
real quick, libby is waiting.
to my secret commenter friend:
ya kno, it hurts because you obv. have to be a friend of mine. be respectful and use your name next time. i can respect your opinions and your right to say whatever, but really, have some balls. i think i kno who it was, or there's a few options, and if it was either of the two i'm thinking, NEITHER of you have room to talk.
i can post where i want, when i want, to who i want, with the hopes of ANYONE i want reading it. even my therapist doesn't tell me not to or that i shouldn't. yes i kno the risks that come with certain things, etc. i understand it all, but ultimately, it's MY journal, MY postings, MY thoughts, MY feelings, etc.
i've been doing this on my own for awhile now. yes, some people have helped on certain days, but overall, NO ONE has completely supported me like a REAL friend should. thru it all. bad days, bad decisions, etc.
i have more to say about this, but she's waiting. thanks much.