Jul 23, 2005 13:35
ok recap on the evening. i once had this girlfriend, we will call her janedoe. well i was in love with janedoe and i really cared about her. but her heart was focused on other better things. so we broke up and her lifestyle has done a 180degree turn. she does things for other people now which is kind of sad(cloves) and so i was tricked, yeah so what what else is new. i bought her an ipod for her birthday and she said she would give that shit back. now she doesnt want to. so last night i called her ass 1million times leaving messages like,"i want my ipod" and so forth. so this morning she went and got her phone number changed. then this whole ordeal with her mom threatinning to call the cops on me?????? wtf? she assaulted me numbereous times lately and im not a big fucking diaper wearing baby to call the cops about it. but overall the moral of this story is that girls are the fucking devil. i just want two things to happen, 1:i want my ipod, 2:jane to continuing to smoke her pathetic cigarettes so she will shorten her life. congratulations. seriously stay the fuck away from girls. they lie, and all they care about is themselfs. good fucking bye