Here's an interview that was conducted by Jeff Bailey with Ben Fortier from ABP.
Jeff: I'm Here with a member of a rising metal band (A Blind Prophecy), Ben.... how are you Ben?
Ben: I'm doing pretty good. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Jeff: Its no propblem... anything for metal... I understand you play a mean guitar... how long have you been playing?
Ben: Hmm, about six years or so now.
Jeff: Thats interesting... how did you come to be a guitarist in A Blind Prophecy?
Ben: Well I was originally the bassist for a few days, then I became the vocalist, and then became the guitar player. There were some serious line up changes in the past, but now everything has fallen into place, with me as backup vocals/guitar, Jeremy Martin on guitar, Kyle Siner on bass, Jesse Smith on vocals, and Kevin Maples on drums. Its a real solid lineup, and we're incredibly happy with it.
Jeff: Those are some major changes ... Do you think the current one is stable?
Ben: The current one is, by far, the most stable lineup we have ever heard. And in my personal opinion, will be the most stable lineup we'll ever have. We may be able to throw around some changes here and there, but its just not the same as the current lineup. We all click and connect so well.
Jeff: I'm glad its working out in the best way... I've come to understand you are leaving for the Marines soon... how do you think the line up and the band will hold with you gone for so long?
Ben: That's a good question, and to be honest, we don't quite know right now. This is something I've always wanted to do, so there's no turning back for that. I'll be leaving in June for basic training, and hopefully after my leave time, we'll be able to play a show. Other than that, I don't know what is going to happen with the lineup. Hopefully they're remain steadfast and hold out without me. That's the way I'd want it to be.
Jeff: How do you think the band feels about your leaving?
Ben: Well, I hope they're proud of me for doing what I want to do, but I'm sure they're not to happy with the fact that I'm going to be gone for quite some time. We don't think about it so much, because we're just trying to get things done while we're still strong.
Jeff: Good... Now that we know a little of your past and future, tell me... how did the band come to be, and where did the name A Blind Prophecy originate?
Ben: I'm not one of the founding members, so asking how it came to be would be a good question for Jeremy or Kevin. I do hear alot of questions on the band name, though. Its really nothing significant. Its just a cool name. Kevin created it, figuring that all prophecies are just that: blind. Also, if you think about (and know anything about literature), the prophet in Oedipus Rex was blind, and his blindness caused him to be able to see the future. So, I guess you could say that a loss of one sense increases other senses. Its nothing real significant, it just makes you think.
Jeff: Thast interseting... what do you think of the bands future?
Ben: I'm kind of blind to that answer. haha. I honestly don't see us really going anywhere, to be honest. I've never been real optimistic, but I just don't see us as "media" material. We do what we do, and love doing it. Not alot of bands that are big these days get popular doing that, pretty much just underground bands. If we could get big in the underground, that'd be amazing, but I really don't foresee that.
Jeff: I'm sure you will do well.... speaking of futures... I've heard you've composed new songs.. are you planning to make another demo?
Ben: Indeed we are! We've got a date set for Jan 14 - 16 with Oscar from Beyond the Embrace to record our next four song demo. It should come out really good.
Jeff: Thast amazing.. Still only handing them out for promotion, or planing to make a few dollars now that people know you better?
Ben: I don't think we'll make any profit off of it. Maybe we'll hand them out for a buck or something, or just accept donations. But there's no way we'll make a profit out of it. A four song demo isn't worth money, in my opinion.
Jeff: Ha.. its good you arent turning into a money grabbing band... Do it for yourself and the metal!
Ben: And for the fans! Haha.
Jeff: Yes, yes, cant forget the fans... Any shows coming soon for the fans?
Ben: We'd like to set one up next month. This month is kind of busy cause we're getting ready to record and stuff like that. Hopefully soon, though! We may be participating in a Tsunami Relief Fund show, so keep an eye out for that!
Jeff: Glad to hear it... you guys have had some trouble placing your band into a type of metal subgenre. Nny new influnces help with your sound?
Ben: Lately we've definitely had a lot of doom metal influences. Alot of Opeth and Rapture type of stuff. Maybe some older Katatonia, too. Its hard to try and put us in a category cause we're all over the place when it comes to influences.
Jeff: Anyone who listens to you would agree... how do you think that the band has progressed with time?
Ben: We have come such a long way, its crazy. All of our skills insturmentally have come so far. The solos are much better, the singing, the use of growls, blast beats, etc. etc. Lyrically, we have come an incredibly long way too. And its also nice because Jesse and I write lyrics, so its not always the same and repeatitive style. We've really moved away from the simple melodic/power metal stuff we were when we first started, and have gotten alot better.
Jeff: Thast really good to hear... I'm sure you will contuine to grow... U understand you are starting to tape practices and such ... What are you planning to do with the tapes ... personal memories or something broader?
Ben: Definitely just personal memories. I don't think we're going anywhere, so they won't be on a DVD or anything, hehe. Its nice to see how far we've come and relive the memories that we've shared on tape.
Jeff: Yes its always good to share old memories... I've heard you just recently played your first payed gig... how does that feel?
Ben: The show was amazing. The bands were great. But the fact it was a payed gig just kind of made it better and worse. Its great the get paid, but alot of peoples bad sides start to come out once there is money involved, and you really see the negative sides of people and what they're really about. I'm sure alot of people hate us now because of that show, but whatever. We justified ourselves. Being paid at gigs isn't that big of a deal, and hopefully we won't have that type of problem again.
Jeff: Ah yes... the lars ulriches of the underground scene... its sad sometimes... anything good in the cd player?...anything you have to say that I havent covered?
Ben: Lately I've been listening to alot of Days of the New, Katatonia, and Dismember. Completely different types of music, but I really love 'em a whole lot, hehe. Nothing really more to say, just keep metal true, don't let money blind you, and that's basically it. Keep it true!
Jeff: Its been great talking to you! Yes the metal must be kept true. \m/