(no subject)

Aug 05, 2013 22:05

There is a youtube video which this quote came from

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link in case imbed fails http://youtube.com/watch?v=TqFaiVNuy1k

This is one of several copies you will find and you'll be amzed at how much he reachs out to this person at Scifi/comic genre Convention from a simple fan/panel Q&A session.

Patrick Stewart brings out some very deep dark stuff from his childhood and how his mom and he were abused. He doesn't villianify with hatred but points out that even his farther was a victim for having what we call PTSD (severe shell shock at the time was the DX) and the effects it had in 1940 for domestic violence was the case of untreated mental damage. the fact the police and paramedics blamed the the abusee for being hit "because it takes two to fight" blame the victims mentality of the time and still sadly current.

The video is so much to take in and if you research it more..... Then after going there in his own personal emotional hell of memories, he still cares enough to check on the safety of the trekkie fan and if she need his help. The man is highly noble. When you hear all this in context I hope you will share this with a better literal summary.

The message is very true and the problem has been around for a long time. Even today we have politicians they are making things worse by throwing people in jail as in if they have to respond someone has to go period aka zero tolerance instead of getting help and leading toward community resources. They know have an arrest record which whether guilt is assigned by verdict the arrest is enough to condemn you in many people's eyes' With people who are upset filing false reports to get back at their lover in a fight, the damage of such laws and their follies become life damaging. The person thrown in jail for a "cooling off period"(often 3 days) has had their rights violated, convicted without trial and breaking a person by injustice destroys the character and self esteem of the individual to the point the even quit trying to fight the lie about their character. Which they might be able to get to expunge the the damage after it has been copied onto numerous websites to chase and they have to spend several thousand dollars in attorney fees and court costs to get their record expunged. Sounds like victory huh? This problem is very real and we need solutions not the usual "Just jail them, that'll teach them" knee jerk responses, which tend to silence and make people afraid to call the police for help.

ptsd, youtube, sci fi

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