Nov 30, 2004 07:06
In order for me and jacob to go to turn about i have to face mr. harris and mrs. blessing. Shit on a stick. Im kinda dreading that because if they say no im going to be the one in AEA. well i might be.... depends if i can turn around and walk away or if i let my mouth get the best of me. And i dont like thoose 2 peopole anyways so ya... I think mrs blessing is jealous of all the girls in the school cause she is just a bitch.
Last night i came to big revaltion i guess you would call it. Im happy because i just let go of everything that was bugging me. Minus things i need to actually concentrate on right now. Like dealing with mr harris and blessing with out loosing my cool if they say no. But thats something that is Now and not years down the road. I have been worring about what i wanted to do with my life and things i want to be who i cant be at this point in my life so why in the hell worrie about it? SO ya....
I was listening to the news last night and anouther man was killed by a semi. A semi who just happend to run a red light. I fucking hate them all.
Okay... Back to being happy.
I get my class ring today at lunch!! very excited yes i am.
I love you jacob! thanks for putting up with some of my b/s lately. And i guess i really dont need to say sorry but hey maybe if i say sorry if it happens again you will stick threw it again. I donno. I just know i love you and im sorry. BIG KISS! =P
now off to deal with harris and blessing oh happy day.