Hi everyone!
Yes, this is not a dream, your beloved laziest mod in the universe is posting!
First of all, apologies for being that neglecting of this adorable lil community, I have no excuses other than laziness and other fandoms playing with my poor innocent brain currently.
So hi, and a hug to all the members I don't know, a big smooch to the ones I do know :)
I'm also bringing icons since, in all my time wasted during the last months, I learnt a bit of photoshop!
They're snaggable of course, and I can personalize them for you if you want :)
I also thought about something (yeah, it can happen! Rarely though ;)): is there a "fanfficial" way of naming the pairing Caroline/Richard?
Like Cloti for the Cloud/Tifa pairing in Final Fantasy, or LoVe for Logan/Veronica in Veronica Mars, or Misa for Michael/Sara in Prison Break...
And if not, any ideas of what it should be called?